Hi, we're Showburger.
We're a sketch comedy company located in the DMV area. (DC, Maryland, Virginia. Not the Department of Motor Vehicles. Although... we're open to whatever).
Upcoming Shows
Where to find us so you can feast yourself on funny:
Service Name
Couples Counseling Sketch Show
Weds, February 14 at 7pm
DC Arts Center
A sketch comedy show featuring significant others (*or two people that find each other significant). Produced by Rails Comedy.
Service Name
DC Sketch Fest
Thurs, March 14 at 9:45pm
DC Improv
Lineup: Showburger (DC), Drop the Root Beer and Run (Seattle), Party Trick (NYC). The DC Sketchfest features the best scripted comedy from DC and the world beyond and founded Bad Medicine and Rails Comedy.
Service Name
Etch A Sketch Anniversary Show
Weds, March 27 at 8:30pm
DC Arts Center
Come watch DC's best sketch comedy teams, players, and characters compete for your funny bone for one night only. You don't want to miss it!